Friday, February 22, 2008

Past Futures Are the New Past Pasts

Do you find yourself obsessed with Hume's question of what could justify inductive reasoning? Boy, do I have a link for you:

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Problem of Induction

If you're tired of that one, there's also a new problem of induction. Or, you could watch this video of Lewis Black describing his failure to reason inductively every year around Halloween:

In class, we talked about how attempts to justify induction beg the question. Here's a dinosaur comic on question-begging. (Click on the comic to enlarge it)

And here's the video for Mims's logically delicious song "This is Why I'm Hot":

Finally, here's a stick figure comic about scientists' efforts to confirm that the future will be like the past.

Science: Confirming Induction For As Long As It's Been Unjustified


Anonymous said...

I was surprised when reading Hume's views on induction- didn't realize that he essentially said the same thing as Popper- only he did it a few hundred years earlier.

I guess it's harder than it seems to have true original thoughts. One more reason to tip your cap to someone like Descartes.

Sean Keegan-Landis said...

True, although I'm not sure Hume is as dismissive of induction as Popper is. After reading Hume, I'm left with the impression that he thinks it's a BIG DEAL that we can't justify induction.