Do you find yourself obsessed with Hume's question of what could justify inductive reasoning? Boy, do I have a link for you:
If you're tired of that one, there's also a new problem of induction. Or, you could watch this video of Lewis Black describing his failure to reason inductively every year around Halloween:
In class, we talked about how attempts to justify induction beg the question. Here's a dinosaur comic on question-begging. (Click on the comic to enlarge it)
And here's the video for Mims's logically delicious song "This is Why I'm Hot":
Finally, here's a stick figure comic about scientists' efforts to confirm that the future will be like the past.
I was surprised when reading Hume's views on induction- didn't realize that he essentially said the same thing as Popper- only he did it a few hundred years earlier.
I guess it's harder than it seems to have true original thoughts. One more reason to tip your cap to someone like Descartes.
True, although I'm not sure Hume is as dismissive of induction as Popper is. After reading Hume, I'm left with the impression that he thinks it's a BIG DEAL that we can't justify induction.
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